Friday, July 23, 2010

Maggot is going to the Land Down Under!!

OMG, I can hardly contain my excitement! Yes, I am going to Perth in October! What a cool birthday present for me! Well actually it isn't a birthday present but my cousin is getting married and my dad offered to pay the plane tix for me, so, Here I come! *not in another 2.5months

I will be there for exactly a week, no more than that because cant really take more than a week off although I would love to stay there forever and enjoy Spring. For the second time in my life, I'll get to enjoy Spring, *cant really remember the first because it was when I was 10 and in London.. when flowers bloom and birds sing .. OK, maybe not but it'll be such a great experience for me because I have so many things I wanna see. For instance, Kangaroos and Koalas!! I've always wanted to see, touch and feed them. In Australia, they let the Kangaroos out in the open, of course within zoo compound and visitors are allowed to go into this wide compound area to mingle with the Kangaroos! How cool is that!


Another thing that I wanna do is to have one relaxing evening at their Kings Park, lying on the grass looking up at the sky. I've always been so amazed at photos taken from all around the world that people can actually sit on the grass, lie down and just .... well just sprawl across the whole thing and know that it is clean! Cant really do that in Malaysia. I heard that Kings Park is one of the best park they have and the view is spectacular. There are ducks and geese swimming around the lake and you can feed them.


Anyways, nothing has been confirmed yet! I'm checking on the air fare and taking down places to visit but I'll definitely blog about Perth, definitely! It is just too much not to even think about it.

So, Australia..get ready for me! For the entire week that I'll be there, Ill be throwing myself at you in an extremely humongous tight hug!

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