Monday, November 29, 2010

BACK! with love ~

Yep! I am back!

I know you may be skeptical once again that I may just disappear but I am back for good this time!

The last I blogged was of my birthday celebration at Jogoya and I still crave for another feast at that place. Let's see what happened after that.

- went to Berjaya Hills for JPM CIMB Preferred Time Challenge '10 for 3days 2night stay. It was a short break that I needed before I start my new job (no idea how much I needed it until I actually started my new job)

- started my new job and I had NO TIME at all to do anything else in the world because I was working almost everyday and when I was placed on morning shift which ends at 6.30pm, fought the jam all the way back, I barely have anything left in me to so much as tweet and when I am placed on noon shift (which was worse) which ends at 10pm, faught the jam in the parking lot to the main road and all the way back, I was dead to the world. It went on for 12days and then ..

- quit my job. enough was enough. did not sign up for that.

- started Clothes For Fun & Shoes For Fun again. This time, I am doing it Full-Time!

I have never felt better actually! When people ask me and they find out that I quit a stable income job to do an online business, they freak! I mean, I freaked too before I actually considered doing it full-time because there are so many "what ifs" involved but after talking to people that mattered to me, with their support and love, I went for it. No business is 100% risk-free. Everybody who owns a business can tell you that they took the risk, believe in what they are selling, make a few good and bad choices, and either make it or don't. Well, I am confident enough that Clothes For Fun & Shoes For Fun will make it because I love what I do and when I love what I do, it doesn't feel like work at all. In fact I treat it as my own little playground where I pour my love, my hard work, my creativity in it. My little 3 years old baby :D

Anyways, spreading the love.. here are some updates that I've posted today!


Clothes For Fun | An Online Boutique

Shoes For Fun | An Online Shoe Boutique